public static BufferedReader newReader(File file, Charset charset) throws FileNotFoundException { checkNotNull(file); checkNotNull(charset); return new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), charset)); }
public static BufferedWriter newWriter(File file, Charset charset) throws FileNotFoundException { checkNotNull(file); checkNotNull(charset); return new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), charset)); }
public static ByteSource asByteSource(File file) { return new FileByteSource(file); }
public static ByteSink asByteSink(File file, FileWriteMode... modes) { return new FileByteSink(file, modes); }
private static final class FileByteSink extends ByteSink { private final File file; private final ImmutableSetmodes; private FileByteSink(File file, FileWriteMode... modes) { this.file = checkNotNull(file); this.modes = ImmutableSet.copyOf(modes); } @Override public FileOutputStream openStream() throws IOException { return new FileOutputStream(file, modes.contains(APPEND)); } @Override public String toString() { return "Files.asByteSink(" + file + ", " + modes + ")"; } }
public static CharSource asCharSource(File file, Charset charset) { return asByteSource(file).asCharSource(charset); } public static CharSink asCharSink(File file, Charset charset, FileWriteMode... modes) { return asByteSink(file, modes).asCharSink(charset); }
public static byte[] toByteArray(File file) throws IOException { return asByteSource(file).read(); }
public static String toString(File file, Charset charset) throws IOException { return asCharSource(file, charset).read(); }
public static void write(byte[] from, File to) throws IOException { asByteSink(to).write(from); }
public static void copy(File from, OutputStream to) throws IOException { asByteSource(from).copyTo(to); }
public static void copy(File from, File to) throws IOException { checkArgument(!from.equals(to), "Source %s and destination %s must be different", from, to);----------两个文件必须不同 asByteSource(from).copyTo(asByteSink(to)); }
public static void write(CharSequence from, File to, Charset charset) throws IOException { asCharSink(to, charset).write(from); }
public static void copy(File from, Charset charset, Appendable to) throws IOException { asCharSource(from, charset).copyTo(to); }
public static boolean equal(File file1, File file2) throws IOException { checkNotNull(file1); checkNotNull(file2); if (file1 == file2 || file1.equals(file2)) { return true; } /* * Some operating systems may return zero as the length for files * denoting system-dependent entities such as devices or pipes, in * which case we must fall back on comparing the bytes directly. */ long len1 = file1.length(); long len2 = file2.length(); if (len1 != 0 && len2 != 0 && len1 != len2) {-------------考虑到操作系统级别的不同,仅仅length并不完整 return false; } return asByteSource(file1).contentEquals(asByteSource(file2)); }
public static File createTempDir() { File baseDir = new File(System.getProperty("")); String baseName = System.currentTimeMillis() + "-"; for (int counter = 0; counter < TEMP_DIR_ATTEMPTS; counter++) { File tempDir = new File(baseDir, baseName + counter); if (tempDir.mkdir()) { return tempDir; } } throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create directory within " + TEMP_DIR_ATTEMPTS + " attempts (tried " + baseName + "0 to " + baseName + (TEMP_DIR_ATTEMPTS - 1) + ')'); }
public static void touch(File file) throws IOException { checkNotNull(file); if (!file.createNewFile() && !file.setLastModified(System.currentTimeMillis())) { throw new IOException("Unable to update modification time of " + file); }
public static void createParentDirs(File file) throws IOException { checkNotNull(file); File parent = file.getCanonicalFile().getParentFile(); if (parent == null) {--------本身就是根目录 return; } parent.mkdirs(); if (!parent.isDirectory()) { throw new IOException("Unable to create parent directories of " + file); } }
public static void move(File from, File to) throws IOException { checkNotNull(from); checkNotNull(to); checkArgument(!from.equals(to), "Source %s and destination %s must be different", from, to); if (!from.renameTo(to)) { copy(from, to); if (!from.delete()) { if (!to.delete()) { throw new IOException("Unable to delete " + to); } throw new IOException("Unable to delete " + from); } } }
public static String readFirstLine(File file, Charset charset) throws IOException { return asCharSource(file, charset).readFirstLine(); }
public static ListreadLines(File file, Charset charset) throws IOException { // don't use asCharSource(file, charset).readLines() because that returns // an immutable list, which would change the behavior of this method return readLines(file, charset, new LineProcessor
>() { final List result = Lists.newArrayList(); @Override public boolean processLine(String line) { result.add(line); return true; } @Override public List getResult() { return result; } }); }
public staticT readLines(File file, Charset charset, LineProcessor callback) throws IOException { return asCharSource(file, charset).readLines(callback); }
public staticT readBytes(File file, ByteProcessor processor) throws IOException { return asByteSource(file).read(processor); }
public static HashCode hash(File file, HashFunction hashFunction) throws IOException { return asByteSource(file).hash(hashFunction); }
public static MappedByteBuffer map(File file, MapMode mode) throws IOException { checkNotNull(file); checkNotNull(mode); if (!file.exists()) { throw new FileNotFoundException(file.toString()); } return map(file, mode, file.length()); }
public static MappedByteBuffer map(File file, MapMode mode, long size) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { checkNotNull(file); checkNotNull(mode); Closer closer = Closer.create(); try { RandomAccessFile raf = closer.register( new RandomAccessFile(file, mode == MapMode.READ_ONLY ? "r" : "rw")); return map(raf, mode, size); } catch (Throwable e) { throw closer.rethrow(e); } finally { closer.close(); } }
public static String simplifyPath(String pathname) { checkNotNull(pathname); if (pathname.length() == 0) { return "."; } // split the path apart Iterablecomponents = Splitter.on('/').omitEmptyStrings().split(pathname); List path = new ArrayList (); // resolve ., .., and // for (String component : components) { if (component.equals(".")) { continue; } else if (component.equals("..")) { if (path.size() > 0 && !path.get(path.size() - 1).equals("..")) { path.remove(path.size() - 1); } else { path.add(".."); } } else { path.add(component); } } // put it back together String result = Joiner.on('/').join(path); if (pathname.charAt(0) == '/') { result = "/" + result; } while (result.startsWith("/../")) { result = result.substring(3); } if (result.equals("/..")) { result = "/"; } else if ("".equals(result)) { result = "."; } return result; }